1. Building a Local Culture Project
This form will help you think through locations, genres, and themes, while planning a tour.
File: 1.-Building-a-Local-Culture-Project.docThis form will help you think through locations, genres, and themes, while planning a tour.
File: 1.-Building-a-Local-Culture-Project.docEarly in the planning process, we asked students what they wanted to do on the tour.
File: 1.-Student-Questionnaire-for-Planning-the-Tour.docWe sent this detailed memo to help parents understand the breadth of the project.
File: 2.-Memo-to-Parents-Description-of-Tour.docStudents practiced their ethnographic skills at the local farmers' market.
File: 2.-Observing-at-the-Farmers-Market.docBefore the big trip, students began exploring culture by collecting stories from their families.
File: 3.-Family-Stories.docThis note to the parents informed them about our expectations for student behavior.
File: 3.-Memo-to-Parents-Expectations.docStudents interviewed an elder and wrote a 3-page essay.
File: 4.-Elder-Project-Essay.docWe sent this memo to collect health forms and other necessary paperwork from parents.
File: 4.-Memo-to-Parents-Permissions.docAfter several months of documenting family culture, students wrote a 5-page essay, based on those earlier assignments.
File: 5.-Family-Culture-Essay.docThis memo accompanied a payment form and scheduling information, as the tour grew closer.
File: 5.-Memo-to-Parents-Packing-List-and-Cost.doc