About Us

Wisconsin Teachers of Local Culture (WTLC) is a network of educators who enchance curriculum with local culture. Our members are classroom teachers, museum educators, school librarians and counselors, college instructors and professors, and other education professionals.


By uncovering the connections between local culture and the curriculum, Wisconsin Teachers of Local Culture enables a community of educators of all subject areas and grade levels to create integrated lessons that link with academic standards and place specific, local knowledge in a broad context. By examining local cultures in Wisconsin, WTLC provides teachers with resources to address tensions and opportunities that arise from the changing demographics in their communities.

WTLC provides a home for like-minded educators who may feel isolated in their particular teaching situations. Through various means of supporting each other, WTLC is the hub through which Wisconsin educators connect with others committed to including local cultural studies in their teaching and outreach. WTLC is also a united voice that advocates for public understanding and recognition of the value of local cultural studies.


Wisconsin Teachers of Local Culture has been able to conduct its work at low cost to participants due to the generous support of several funders: The National Endowment for the Arts, the Wisconsin Humanities Council, the American Folklore Society, and the Ira and Ineva Reilly Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Endowment.